Psychology, Selling and the Internet – Part 3 of 5

  —   15 August 2011   —   Opinion

...continued from Psychology, Selling and the Internet – Part 2 of 5

3. Small agreements lead to bigger ones

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If someone came up to you and asked you for your agreement on some major issue, they are more likely to get a no from you than if they came up to you and led you on with a series of much smaller issues that you can easily agree on, building to the major issue. Getting people to agree to a major issue is a lot easier if you first give them related but smaller issues that they can automatically agree to.

One way to use this in your business is to provide a free trial. It is easy to get someone to try something free. After that, it is much easier to get them to upgrade to a complete version. Another thing you could do is to ask questions that most people will answer “yes” to, spread out within your sales pitch. They must be questions related to the product or service. That build up of several related but easy ‘yes’ answers make it much easier to get the final yes to buy.

Link this with tasks that are not completed, you get a powerful outcome: for example…

Most people are quite disturbed by tasks or events that are incomplete.
You know how you hate it when a soap opera stops somewhere in the middle of a juicy plot, only to tell you that they will be continued same time next week? It disturbs your mind so much that you make it a point of catching the next show. And on the next show they do the exact same thing! Even in your life, when you have incomplete tasks, you keep thinking about them until you complete them. It is easier for people to remember and stay focused to incomplete tasks.
There are many ways you can apply this to your marketing. Your Web pages could lead people from one page to the next using this phenomenon. Your banners could start to give a series of 10 tips, only to stop after the third and ask the viewer to click on to get the remaining 7. Use your imagination!

A bonus use of this phenomenon is that you can figure out ways to get people coming back to your site. You need this to happen because most people only buy something after the fifth to seventh time that they get in contact with it. Therefore, getting repeat visitors is the most important thing you can do for your online business. As a matter of fact, you should use as many tactics, freebies and technologies as possible to get repeat visits.


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