Tell me about your role - what does a typical day look like?
I start by checking through my emails and making an action list. I like to create a plan, but it rarely stays that way! Then I scope the work that’s come in. I’m in constant contact with my main client as they often have multiple projects running at once.
It’s also part of my job to brief work into the creative and development teams, so that often forms part of my day. If there’s any existing work going on I’ll also chase these projects to ensure everything's running smoothly. Each day is different at Access; it’s part of why I enjoy my role.
Are there any feeds you follow about the work you do? What are they?
I keep up to date on the latest news in our business by following The Drum, Prolific North and eConsunltancy - I get their updates straight into my inbox each morning.
You tried skiing for the first time this year. What was your favourite part?
It was amazing! There were 12 of us in a chalet in France. I didn’t have a favourite part as it was all great, skiing could well be my new sport of choice.
What was the last thing that made you laugh?
My colleague Sam King. He makes me laugh all the time.
Is there a series you're addicted to at the moment?

Arizona Robbins from Grey’s Anatomy. Image via Greys Wikia.
I’m way behind - but I’ve just started watching Grey’s Anatomy and it’s unbelievably addictive. Arizona Robbins is my favourite character.
What's the most challenging aspect of your work?
Multi tasking - I’m often juggling a lot of projects at once, so it’s important I stay on top of things. I am the spreadsheet queen. If i’ve learned anything it’s that patience is crucial to being a good account executive.
What do you think is the most valuable skill you've learned working at Access?
This is the first job I had out of University, so Access has taught me everything to date! But most importantly, it has taught me patience and diplomacy.
When do you think you're at your most productive? What hour of the day?
First thing in the morning - I like to get in and get on with things.
What work are you proudest of working at Access?
I’ve recently passed an IPA Foundation certificate, which helped me to gain a better understanding into my industry. I managed to run 10k with everyone in the Great Manchester Run - which I definitely didn’t think I’d be able to do in the weeks leading up to the event!
Next time in The Interviews we talk to Managing Director, Simon Landi about starting a business, how to stay enthusiastic about your work and cycling around Britain!