Liam’s Websites of the Month - July Edition

Liam Walsh   —   28 July 2016   —   Opinion


Another month and another horde of websites to feast your eyes upon. If you come seeking the very best the internet has to offer then you've come to the right place. Liam’s websites of the month are a celebration of internet gold, whether that be sites highlighting design, games or something a whole lot weirder. This is the web naked. Walk with me, let’s go on a journey.

1. Swiss Army Man

Description: Swiss Army Man homepage

Swiss Army Man is a movie featuring Daniel Radcliffe playing some kind of magical corpse and this incredible website was submitted as a candidate for #LWOTW by none other than Access' own Ashley Johnson!

Swiss Army Man showcases some of latest techniques on the web for creating more interactive experiences beyond simple UI.

The site makes full use of the film’s quirky nature to create a bucket load of easter eggs for people to find.

The controls for the website are a delight as well - all you have to do is type in a word to find Daniel Radcliffe's character in different situations.

You could spend ages playing this and is much like this old flash game. The boy who lived still lives (kind of) in this unique piece of internet wizardry.

2. 3 years of Unsplash - 1095 days later

Description: 3 years of Unsplash - 1095 days later homepage

Are you a designer? Developer? Photography enthusiast? Or just a member of the human race that has access to internet? The you've probably seen some of Unsplash's amazing photography in action on the web.

This website showcases stats and information from Unsplash's short, but wonderful three year history.

It has great typography, makes good use of white space and delightfully subtle animations.

It tells a compelling story about their journey and what they've made since the original website's launch. Attractive and readable, really it’s the content and imagery that keeps you scrolling.

3. Ootside

Description: Ootside homepage

Small talk about the weather is the original ice-breaker. And we all love the Scottish right? With their lust for freedom from the English and labelling everything scotch-whatever, even if they didn't invent it?

Well then, Ootside is the Scottish-accent-weather-telling app for you. It makes use of some technical features like Google Address Lookup for geolocation pinpointing and a weather API to get the weather for a specified location.

Plus, it makes good use of the Scottish accent. That copy oozes Scottish derision. If this doesn’t put a dower smile on your fizzog then nothing will.

4. Rainyscope

Description: Rainyscope homepage

Let’s stick with weather-based sites, shall we?  Rainyscope is another impressive piece of engineering. 

Using the latest WebGL and animation crafty tricks, this website shows what can be done using different filter layers combined with image manipulation and morphing!

It's a basic site, but the thought and knowledge behind it is deep. It takes some skill to create something like this when there is no comparable counterpart to take a cue from. It’s like sunshine on a rainy day.

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June Edition

May Edition

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