The Art of Communication is Alive & Well Over Wigan

  —   16 May 2011   —   Opinion

As a West Ham fan (of sorts) for the best part of 35 years I was unfortunate to have been at Wigan yesterday to see the polish being applied to the final nail in the coffin of a team that has failed to deliver for the past three seasons, when my day was saved by an inspired group of Millwall fans who had perfected the art of communication.

To effect the perfect message to your target audience (however niche the audience is – in this case 7,000 travelling West Ham fans), with precision timing and relevance is the holy grail of marketing, normally only achieved by digital means these days – and to do it in a quirky, funny and a non-digital way, is even better. So to this this flying above the ground immediately after Wigan had scored their equalizer  – thus relegating West Ham was a marketeers dream.

Quality! I’m gutted – not ‘cos West Ham were relegated – but because i didn’t think of it.

The Art of Communication is Alive & Well Over Wigan

Read more about the stunt on the Daily Mail’s website

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