Has email marketing finally come of age?

  —   23 February 2012   —   Opinion

With the average business user now receiving in excess of 300 emails a day, it’s important if you’re investing in email marketing that it’s not a complete waste of time!

But that’s easier said than done.

Understanding spam filters, email design, automation, data and (not forgetting) your objectives are all key elements to ensuring a successful outcome from email marketing.

When it’s reported that email newsletters generate more website hits to your website than any other promotional activity – apart from search – it’s no wonder businesses are keen to keep improving their email marketing programme.

This is why you seek advice from those in the know. For example at Access, we believe we can offer the best of both worlds, both in terms of strategic advice and effective creative support; and as a result we have partnered with a leading email marketing software provider to offer:

  • Access to comprehensive software features at entry-level pricing
  • Support with template designs/build
  • Ability to test on multiple platforms simultaneously
  • Branded on-line surveys
  • Automated trigger email campaigns
  • Split testing
  • Analytics to demonstrate effective ROI

All of which enables you to be able to simply create email marketing campaigns at the touch of (several) buttons.

So, rather than going it alone and using these systems without advice and support (and using less than 50% of the useful features), businesses are now turning to expert creative and strategic support to get the most out of their email marketing programme.

We are here to help improve the return on investment from email marketing – well, we couldn’t justify our costs if we didn’t!

We ensure five things are at the heart of every email campaign (excluding data – which is a topic in its own right and one for another blog):

  1. Numerical objectives – the number of clicks/conversions/actions etc
  2. Planning – ensuring each emailer isn’t another one off and doesn’t follow the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach
  3. Size isn’t everything – don’t keep your email list artificially large – if 25% of your list are opening and interacting with your communications, clean up the rest
  4. Keep it ‘bite size’ – don’t tell the whole story in your email and don’t tell too many stories - keep it short and snappy – leave people wanting more.
  5. Design – surprisingly (for a creative agency) quiet often the simpler the design the more effective the emailer; we have some easy-to-follow guidelines on building and creating effective email campaigns
  6. Testing – the ability for email marketing to test cost effectively is one of its key attributes. Use it.

And if between us, we get these right, then the results will speak for themselves.

To find out more email Simon or Anthony [email protected] or call 0161 872 3455

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