My Perfect Job

  —   14 January 2013   —   Opinion

bbc1globe1978large_1.jpgNot sure I've ever been asked this, but if I was...My perfect job would be to create the idents for the BBC!

For the past 35 years (ever since I can remember) the BBC has surprised and entertained us with innovative idents and creative approaches to the gaps between programming whilst the announcer reminds us why we're tuned in to the Beeb! 

From my first memory of the globe shown here to the 2012 London Olympic idents in 3D (you will need your 3D glasses!) the
BBC have always sought to entertain and surprise us.

We all remember the Hippo's swimming around  in a circle, the dancing wheelchair basketballers, the yoga-performing (?) men on a central London building or the different coloured cyclists, don't we?

Which is your favourite?

BBC Idents

Well I think they, like our music, remind us of a place in time and I would love to have a hand in producing the next set of idents if you're listening at BBC HQ?

What's your perfect job?

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