10 sites to keep you inspired throughout your working day

Ruth Hartnoll   —   22 August 2016   —   Content & Social

10 sites to keep you inspired

We all hit slumps at different times of the day.

Some of us don't wake up until 10am, with everything before passing by in a blur of answering emails, holding half conversations with colleagues and figuring out how to organise your day.

For some, the slump hits at 2pm, post lunch, when you're digesting your Meal Deal sandwich.

Suddenly that to do list is looking rather large and impossible.

What you need is a little pick me up. Something to recharge your brain's batteries.

We've got the ten sites that will do just that.

Let inspiration strike.

The Poetry Archive

Poetry is truth in Sunday clothes - Joseph Roux

Poetry is language, concentrated. Help to focus your mind by listening to some of the greatest poets (both living and dead) read their own magnetic words. Consider it a brain break from that never ending tender document. The Poetry Archive enables you to listen and download poems, allowing you to sample before you buy. It’s a great way to dust off your mental resources. Goosebumps are almost certainly guaranteed.

Ideal time of day to stop by: 11:45, for a pre-lunch snack.

Canva blog


The life of a designer is a life of fight quote- Massimo Vignelli

Each week a tasty email arrives in my inbox: The Design School, by the team over at Canva. I already love their product. It’s an easy-to-use design tool for those of us who can’t be bothered to navigate Photoshop and InDesign. It allows me to be creative everyday. What’s even better than their design tool is their blog. Their writers talk about design in such an exceptionally clear way that you’ll walk away feeling like a pro. I know now what top down photography is - thanks Canva blog.

Ideal time of day to stop by: Post lunch, 2pm.


Distance between a human being and the truth quote- Anthony de Mello

WTF, This American Life, Revisionist History, Stuff you Should Know - these are all some of the biggest hitters from the Podcast verse in the past few years. The thing that’s really great about Podcasts is that you can listen whilst you work. If you’re working on a particularly mind-numbing job that involves little thought, then put on a podcast episode and learn something new. There’s a podcast for every taste - search Podbay.fm’s almost endless archive to discover something you’ll love.

Ideal time of day to stop by: 4pm, feel the last hour of the day fly by.

One Page Love

Ralph Speth - "Good design, bad design" cost quote

If you’re more of a visual consumer, then One Page Love is the perfect site to lose a few minutes on. Serving up the best in one page web design, it’s a firm favourite of our prolific contributor, Liam Walsh. Go on a parallax click hole and wake up your mind to great design.

Ideal time of day to stop by: 1:30pm - enjoy a mid-lunch break break

TED talks

Eleanor Roosevelt "Minds" quote

The Access team are so enamoured with TED talks that we’ve now set up TED Talk Tuesdays in our office. TED talks are ‘ideas worth sharing’ so it’s a great way to light up a part of your mind that may have laid dormant since breakfast. To ease you in our top recommendations are below.

The Greatest TED Talk Ever Sold by Morgan Spurlock

The 4am Mystery by Rives

Your Elusive Creative Genius by Elizabeth Gilbert

Ideal time of day to stop by: Lunchtime - enjoy a 15 minute video as part of your daily nourishment.

Dave Trott’s Blog

Dave Trott is considered by many to be a leading voice in advertising. He’s written some of the best loved books on the subject including One plus one equals three and Predatory thinking. If you don’t happen to have these laying around your desk, we’d recommend reading his very active blog. It’s his one sentence style copywriting that grabs you. Every line reads like a slogan. Each one acts as a hook to the next. Read it and transform the way you write. He is the master storyteller. 

Ideal time of day to stop by: 2pm, when you’re in need of inspiration.



"Ideas are like rabbits" quote - John Steinbeck

If the idea of reading is a bit too much during your brain break, then Kickstarter is a happy medium. Get inspired by other people’s brilliant ideas and even back a few if you’re feeling generous. You’ll find everything on Kickstarter from games to books to tech. See the germ of an idea grow into a fully fledged product - it gives you the chance to be part of something bigger, all whilst sipping on your green matcha tea.

Ideal time of day to stop by: 4:30pm, when your creative juices are running flat.



Space is the breath of art - Frank Lloyd Wright

Need some design inspiration in your day? Then take a look on Behance for the latest trends and work from your creative peers. By browsing through people’s portfolios and taking in new styles and approaches you’ll find yourself viewing a creative problem in a whole new way. Stumble upon a great design by chance on Behance.

Ideal time of day to stop by: 9:30am, to kickstart your creative flow.



"Curious about ideas: quote - Marie Curie

Sometimes other people say stuff better than you - and all of those clever people are collected together on Brainyquote.com. Feeling bored in work? “Boredom always precedes a period of great creativity.” Need some motivation? “People often say motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing - that’s why we recommend it daily.” Don’t know about you, but I’m ready to seize the day.

Ideal time of day to stop by: 5pm, when you’ve missed the deadline and need a quippy comeback as to why.



Good design doesn't date - Harry Seidler

Largely responsible for most of my click holes in work, Pinterest is one of the best places to get inspired. If you’re feeling really stuck for search terms - sometimes Pinterest is overwhelming with how much choice is on offer - then take a look on my Great Copy & Design board to get you started. It’s a welcome distraction to keep you motivated.

Ideal time of day to stop by: All day, every day. It’s Pinterest.

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