The Interviews: Web Developer Liam Walsh

Ruth Hartnoll   —   22 August 2016   —   Code & Drupal

The Interviews: Liam Walsh

1. Tell us what your average day at work looks like.

A typical day starts with coming in and checking the schedule for the day on Float and making sure all time-sheets are up to date. I generally grab a glass of water and get cracking with whatever project I'm scheduled to work on that day.

My work mainly consists of front-end development which can range from theming Drupal websites and HTML emails to building stand alone micro sites. I sometimes also dabble in back-end development when needed, and get involved with wider design elements like wire-framing or reviewing web designs. And much like everyone else timesheets are a daily task to complete.

2. What got you into web development in the first place?

I ended up in web development by coincidence. I was in my final year of university and I had to create a website for an online chess arena called Malkovich Games. I found it so much fun - from creating all of the elements of the website to bringing it to life. After that, I quickly decided I wanted to make a career out of it.

3. Are there any streams you follow about your work that you can recommend to our readers?

  • Product Hunt - Inspiring products and services
  • CSS Tricks - Front end web development tips and tricks
  • Codrops - Swoon over their amazing collection of design and coding elements
  • One Page Love - Get your rocks off to one page design sites
  • Designer News - Reddit for web design

4. You’re a massive badminton fan. Who's your favourite player?

My favourite player has to be Lin Dan - he’s one of the greatest players the sport has ever seen. He’s only contested by the great Lee Chong Wei, he's won everything but is close to retirement. My favourite up and coming player has to be Kento Momota, keep an eye on this man.

5. What are some of your favourite console games to play?

I've always been a fan of Nintendo and their innovation and classic games and I love franchises like Zelda, Mario and Super Smash Bros. I’m also a big fan of the Elder Scrolls series (love Skyrim so much, 100+ hours on that one) and I will always go back to Final Fantasy VII whenever I get a chance, so stoked for the remastering on PS4.

6. You write the fantastic Liam’s Website of the Month blogs for us. Any top blogging tips you’d like to share?

  • I write how I speak, so one of my top tips would be to stick to your own voice and recognise it as one of your greatest assets.
  • Just write - don't be afraid of what others might think because, as Dr Suess says; "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind".
  • Attack a blank page with gibberish - write about something you like to ease yourself in. Usually, you’ll stumble across the point you were trying to make, in the first place.
  • Sign up to Daily Page - it makes the daunting task of writing a daily routine.

7. What was the last film you watched/book you read?

The last film I watched was Captain America Civil War. I like most of the Marvel movies. The last book I read is one I've read quite a few times, Abhorsen by Garth Nix, I recently read the original trilogy in anticipation of the long awaited sequel that comes out this October, Goldenhand, very excited to read it.

8. Who is the funniest team member at Access towers?

Ashley ‘The Jukebox’ Johnson. Every time.

9. You’re a teetotaller. Give us some sexy soft drink recommendations.

Well I'm quite the connoisseur of soft drinks as a result and my default drink has to be Lime and Soda, being a fitness freak, it's as low sugar you can get in a drink whilst out.

Next month in The Interviews

Tune in next month for Marketing Manager Kirstie Fisher's interview where we discuss her top tips for tenders and how to market a brand in 2016.

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