Our strategy and insight team; our beating heart

  —   2 November 2020   —   Access News

Access’ strategy, insight and planning team sits at the core of the agency, it’s our beating heart. So we thought we’d explain a little more about what we do, what makes us different, and some of the ingenious ways our insights have transformed a clever idea into a brilliant and hugely effective campaign.  


A team where experience meets latest digital approaches  

Our team combines years of ‘classic’ strategy and planning experience with the latest online data insights and analytics in a way that is unique to us. In fact, some of the team have been operating in the industry for more than 30 years and have developed multi-award winning campaigns during that time.

This experience is now merged with an array of tools and technology at our disposal, and a full customer journey outlook. 

And this is our forte. We’re not blinkered into thinking that consumers are only influenced by online communications, some of the ‘old’ rules are still as relevant today as they were before the digital age – we look at the full picture. Because at the end of the day – it’s the customer triggers that make them engage or convert that matter, wherever they see a brand or product.


Adding magic to build brilliant ideas  

Everyone has access to data – but data alone doesn’t lead to an exciting marketing campaign or a future-proofed experience platform. The skill is in how we layer the data, the sector insights and human behaviours and build this into ‘the brilliant idea’.

Working collaboratively with both WaterAid and Acquia, we took data to the next level to devise and implement a personalisation strategy to optimise some of their on-site donation journeys (which recently won an award in the Acquia Engage Awards 2020!) Through analysis of their analytics for example, data showed us that drop offs from donation landing pages could be redirected back to donate through the use of personalisation tactics. Ongoing monitoring and testing of imagery and messaging helped to optimise this further.

Three possible variations of WaterAid events, displayed depending on the user's personalisation journey


We never stop exploring …

…because audiences don’t stop changing. As quickly as we reach some strong conclusions and get to grips with what will resonate with audiences, like with our research on Gen Z, behaviours change and new findings emerge that we, as marketers, need to adapt to.

We also operate a cycle of continual learning transferring learnings from existing projects to improve future work.


Delivering unprecedented results for existing clients - helping businesses to pivot

UCLan’s change in direction driven by our strategy and insights resulted in us delivering the most effective student recruitment in the University’s history.  

Our insight-led campaign for Greater Manchester Moving has succeeded where previous health related campaigns haven’t. Research showed very low awareness of existing campaigns to increase physical activity and of recommended activity guidelines.

We found out WHY and our resulting creative rationale therefore flipped the common narrative around sport and exercise to empower people instead to ‘move’ more each day in ways that fit within everyday routines. That Counts! is a genius message that worked across all consumer communication formats and was truly inclusive.


Thinking you need a new view on your audience and strategic insight?

Our strategy and planning team members are a friendly bunch, so if you’d like to have a chat do get in touch.

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