The Question:
How do you use a website to integrate four company websites, four company philosophies, four company hierarchies and four company histories?
The Answer:
Build a picture first - start with success - what does it look like? Then get buy-in, which was the most difficult to obtain. Once the vision was agreed and the process set in place, the team quickly got behind the project and engaged with Access at every level.
The Result:
The website perfectly embodies the new company philosophy. By agreeing the ‘success’ criteria at the outset, access empowered the entire team to work seamlessly towards a worthy solution. And the client is delighted with the end result.
"When we selected Access we knew we needed a supplier who could work as part of our team - one who could quickly understand our product portfolio, our team dynamics and our vision. I’m glad to say that we chose well - In fact we have formed an excellent working relationship with Access, so much so that I have already recommended them internally for future projects from within our corporation".