Out of the Frying Pan...

Rob Goodswen   —   1 July 2013   —   Opinion

Rob in a frying pan

It's never easy walking into a new work environment, meeting your new colleagues and beginning to learn the ins and outs of agency life. Fortunately, the warm welcome I received from the rest of the team and the varied work load have kept me very busy and ultimately, has left me feeling rather at home.

My background is in Social Media. For the last couple of years I have been running a Tumblr based blog called Go Cook Yourself. Prior to starting the blog, I was a bit of a social media lightweight. I remember having a MySpace account back when MySpace WAS social media. I had eventually, reluctantly, signed up for Facebook but the notion of spending any of my time on Twitter or Linkedin was nauseating.

What a difference two years can make.

My life now revolves around Social Media. My once little food blog has now amassed a following of over 200,000 people, with another 10,000 followers shared across Facebook and Twitter. What I'm really keen on now is to see how the skills I have learned in running Go Cook Yourself can be put into practice for actual paying clients. Access have very kindly offered me the chance to learn more about the business side of social media and for the next three months at least, I will be doing just that. 

My time so far has been spent producing strategies for several of clients, community management, producing cheat sheets for reluctant social media users, making brews and generally getting to know everyone. Its been great, can't wait to learn more.

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