A workplace to be proud of...

Sarah Parker   —   23 August 2013   —   Creative & Design

Coloured Crayons

Access office's red room‘We shape our buildings; therefore they shape us’ - Churchill

Office design not only creates an impression for clients, it can also have an effect on employees, their morale and productivity.  We all want to work in nice surroundings, and an office must be set up to ensure that the environment is pleasant, not too distracting, isolating or awkward for the jobs that need to be done. 

Making the office space work for employees isn’t too difficult a task to grasp.  We all need natural light, good facilities and a well monitored temperature, something that’s been hard to maintain in the recent heat wave! Little, positive changes and improvements all add-up, and demonstrate how much you value your employees and this will be reflected in how they feel about their work.

At Access towers the team has worked hard to design a workspace that fits the team’s needs and it’s good to see that we not only do we have a happy workforce because of it, but a happy landlord too -  as we’ve just made the front cover of the Bruntwood brochure, highlighting their office space in Trafford! 

We can’t all be as cool as Apple or Google

People often buy into the idea and concepts driven by the Apple’s and Google’s of this world, but often feel they can’t carry it out because ‘they have a business to run’ indicating that a good working environment won’t help with cash flow.  However, small differences can have a big impact on the office atmosphere; colour, clear space and good quality furniture.

A work space to inspire

According to national statics there are almost a fifth of us that suffer from anxiety or depression, and as people spend a lot more time at work the lines between the work-life balance becoming increasingly blurred. Creating a healthy happy place to work is a trend which many more companies are getting behind.

Creating a relaxed meeting room that has comfy sofa’s in it rather than the formality of sitting around a table is an essential addition to any meeting space, particularly when brain storming ideas. Being comfortable and feeling completely at ease really helps to get the most out of people, creating a sanctuary away from the pressures at their desk.

Funky colours also help get people inspired, it wakes them up and makes them feel that they are not working a dull 9-5 job but are part of an industry in which continuous enthusiasm and drive to produce work of the highest quality will only reap benefits.

Embracing good workplace design will benefit an organisation in many ways but most importantly ensures a happy and therefore healthy workforce that is more inclined to stay.  

How do you feel about your working environment? What suggestions for improvements would you have?

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