The Question:
How do you empower women to become more resilient to attitudes of blame around rape, sexual assault and associated crimes?
The Answer:
Get the subject 'on air' and build a conversation. The project centred on a video that played out a scenario of a couple on a night out. The objectives was to get people to watch the video and then comment on the actions of the ‘actors’ and their thoughts/feelings towards the series of events that took place.
The Result:
Despite only two and a half weeks separating sign-off and launch dates, the StopBlame campaign achieved excellent reach across Wales, and beyond, managing to trigger and fuel heart-felt debate on the issue of victim blame on- and off-line at a time when the issue has had a particularly high profile in the media.
Results: The Stats
9,359 visits to the website in four weeks
4,170 views of the video on YouTube
50/50 split male/female
62% of all Welsh Government videos viewings over Christmas 2010
75% of all Welsh Government video viewings over the past year have been of either OneStepTooFar or StopBlame videos.
A total of 79 comments have been posted to the site (ongoing), and continue to generate a healthy debate on the issue as a whole.