The Question:
As a non-ministerial government department, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has strict guidelines as to what it can and can’t do commercially. So how do you bring to life the often dry subject of Consumer Rights, and give the OFT's guidance and advice, in a dynamic and engaging edge?
The Answer:
We created a series of energetic, animated videos that demonstrate the steps consumers can take to help themselves. Built using Adobe After Effects © Animation Tools, they can be cost-effectively updated and tweaked. You'll find them on their YouTube channel (we built that too). Why not take a look now?
The Result:
The series was promoted using both display advertising across partner and commercial networks, and YouTube's TrueView. The results were pretty impressive, with one campaign video alone generating 297,916 views in just one month!
Our History with the OfT:
Our History with the OfT:Access has been providing digital solutions for the Office of Fair Trading since 2009. These include website consultancy, user-journey and user-experience testing, digital campaign strategy, design, creation and implementation, video animation and social media consultancy.